All the resources you need to build a business that lasts.
You will learn what it takes to grow your business in the modern age, while staying committed to family and relationships along the way.
Listen to firsthand stories, tips, and strategies from Jay and other business owners that will help you build a business that lasts.
REALITY about business...
Starting a business is easy — but making it last is another story...
Less than 30% of businesses make it to the decade mark, and many that do get there while being worn out, stressed and ready to quit. For over 20 years, I’ve grown an agency from just a few thousand dollars to millions in sales.
When I started Business Builders (formerly Design Extensions) at the age of 17, I had no idea what I was doing in business and spent many years figuring it out. I’ve worked with HUNDREDS of business owners over the past two decades to help them grow their businesses, but I've never shared all the tools, tips, strategies, and ideas that have helped our agency last when many others collapsed.
I can’t wait to share this valuable resource with you, one that I know can make a HUGE impact on your business.

Jay's wisdom and insights in Building a Business that Lasts are beyond his years. Get this book and learn what it takes many decades to understand!

Jay's small business perspective makes it easy for people like you and me to feel like lasting success is not just a Silicon Valley fairytale, but totally attainable and not at the expense of family.

Building a Business that Lasts read like a collection of familiar anecdotes, challenged me to take actionable inventory on both my company and family today, all while humbly steering me to make better choices and how to remedy problems made by questionable ones in the past.